Referral Agent program:
You could easily earn income when you refer merchant account leads through the referral agent program. It's simple to become a MatchRate PLUS referral agent; you can register online for free in just a matter of minutes. On your journey as a referral agent you will submit leads from merchant accounts that are interested in MatchRate PLUS. Submitting leads is easy MatchRate PLUS provides you with a personal back office portal to submit qualified leads. You will receive a one-time $50.00 bonus for each lead you submit that becomes and activated MatchRate PLUS account, in addition to a monthly residual commission of 5 percent to 17.5 percent for the life of the account.
Features and Benefits:
A $50.00 acquisition bonus and a percentage of the account are just a few of the benefits that you’ll get with this amazing referral agent program. When you signup to become a referral agent you’ll also be provided with weekly training webinars, these webinars will show you how to generate and submit qualified leads. Furthermore, MatchRate PLUS also tracks all of your referred leads and commissions for you, so you’ll always be able to keep up with them through a computer database.
Even More:
You will also receive a 10 percent performance bonus for every agent that you personally refer. This bonus is calculated as 10 percent times their total earnings for the month. This is an amazing way to increase your increase. Even more, you will receive a 7.5 percent commission on referred accounts within your referral agent organization that are coded to you Pay Grade 2. You'll receive a 5 percent commission on referred accounts that are coded to you Pay Grade 3.
When your qualified submitted merchant account leads reach three, they are coded to you as pay grade 1 and 2. Pay grade two ranges from 3 merchant accounts up to 50 merchant accounts. When the number of qualified merchant accounts that you have submitted is reaches fifty-one and on, you are coded as Pay Grade 1, 2 and 3. You'll receive the monthly residual commission of 5 percent to 17 percent previously mentioned, by the overrides on coded accounts.
Overall, enrolling as an agent is a great way to receive residual income. It’s easy and takes only a few minutes to register. You don’t have to pay any kind of enrollment fee. You’ll get $50.00 per activated account plus monthly commissions for the life of the account in addition to the many more benefits and features that are available through MatchRate PLUS. If you’re a merchant, joining MatchRate PLUS may be very beneficial for both you and your business.