Web-based technology is developing and evolving everyday; electronic mail (email) has been one of the oldest forms of communication to date when it comes to computers.
Although, you may have gotten used to email, RSS (real simple syndication) is a much faster and effective way of communicating. It saves a lot of time for your potential clients because they are updated as soon as you update your content. They do not have to log into their email accounts to get updates, for the fact that the RSS feed appears on their browser instantly.
Blogging has become a great deal over the last decade and Real Simple Syndication is a wonderful method of keeping your subscribers updated. Not only do they not have to log-in to their inboxes, but they also don’t have to visit the site that you are marketing, just to find that there has been no new content recently. While you may have mixed feelings about this, put yourself in your clients’ shoes, they deserve the best. RSS also gives the safety and protection that emails cannot. No personal information is shared through Real Simple Syndication. Whereas with electronic mail, names and email addresses are given. People find more comfort when they don't have to give too much personal information.
Sometimes we all encounter emails subscriptions that we no longer want to be subscribed to; many times, it takes several frustrating steps just to do something as simple as unsubscribing. Again, think about your clients, they want freedom not frustration. With RSS they get what they want. If they do not want to get feeds anymore, they will not get them, it’s as simple as that. It is not a difficult process to no longer receive feeds, this is a factor that will also make them more comfortable and willing to subscribe through RSS feed to begin with.
While email surely won’t be replaced by feed marketing, for the fact that they were created for two different things—however email marketing does face a big threat against delivery issues and spam. The great thing about Real Simple Syndication is that there is no spam that you have to worry about. This is also another reason why RSS feed is more effective than email marketing. If you have a site that allows visitors and potential clients to subscribe by email as the only option, consider allowing to them subscribe through RSS as well. This could benefit your business greatly; you’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose.