I woke up this morning to an email from PayPal with the subject line: We're investigating a payment reversal (Case ID # PP-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX)
But first just let me say:
WRITERS BEWARE: DLHW Business Development also known as CBDBD Business Development!
At first I just thought it was from an unauthorized account (aka a fake PayPal). However, I logged into my PayPal account and I did in fact have a claim! So because of that, I have a "hold" on my PayPal account, hence my e-book is not available for pre-order at the moment.
(click on the screenshots to make them larger)
I called PayPal right away!
(And let's just say that some of my southern sass came out on this phone call!)
Apparently, my former client alleged that he didn't authorize sending me payment for the articles I wrote for him/his business. He wanted $89.37 from me.
But I clearly have the emails stating that he sent the payment to me.
(see the two screenshots below)
As well as the original transaction PayPal statement.
Seriously, I hope he isn't trying to insinuate that I somehow accessed his account! It's plain nonsense.
If you're a freelance writer, it's adamant to save every email! You never know when you may need it. I did business with this guy in January of this year... it's now August, almost September! I'm guessing that he may be low on money now? Or that his business went belly-up? Seriously, it's been almost 8 months.
The customer service at PayPal was great! Everyone that I spoke to was very helpful! I explained the situation to them and told them I had evidence of EVERYTHING. I was told to send screenshots, and I did.
What's so upsetting besides Charles lying, is that I actually trusted him as a client. We had even spoke on the phone to discuss writing. Which is a bit of a rarity in the freelance world (but becoming more common) for the fact that just about everything is done through email.
Screenshot of everything I sent to PayPal this morning. 2 email screenshots with the client discussing the payment, before and after, as well as all of the articles I wrote for him.
I am so thankful for Google Drive! I've been saving all of my writing up there for a while now, not only to access it from anywhere, but for "just in case" matters. You can imagine how relieved I was when I knew that I could simply go to my Google Drive (formerly, Google Docs) and pull up all of my articles!
I'm actually using my Hubby's laptop and I have no writing information saved on here whatsoever. Fortunately, Google Drive has a feature that allows you to download your documents, which is exactly what I did.
Always save your writing online because you never know what may happen, and NEVER delete emails between you and clients. I have a folder just for 'writing' and everything that deals with it goes there.
On a lighter note: I've worked with many clients who are VERY truthful in all business transactions and because of that, I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to all of the clients/businesses that are honest. |
I hope that this post was helpful to you all!
- Shar
*Yes, I know that his name or business isn't blocked out in the screenshots; I'm doing this to warn others.